AllCtrl — Автоматизация управления оборудованием


Плановое обслуживание. Ремонты и запчасти (ТОиР)

Стоимость SCADA, 1C АСУ ТП, ТОиР, MES
мы в социальных сетях

1C MRO in ACS AllCtrl.SCADA. Scheduled maintenance. Repair and spare parts

The software product MRO AllCtrl.SCADA (ACS) based on 1C allows for writing out job orders for repairs and keep their records, provides for archiving of all company documents.

MRO module (maintenance, repair and operations) in ACS AllCtrl.SCADA based on 1C: Enterprise 8.3 (managed forms) allows solving the following tasks:
  • Codification of the equipment in the ACS, e.g. by the KKS technology
  • Automatic and manual registration of equipment working hours
  • Registration and control of hardware downtime
  • Planning and updating jobs/activities on hardware maintenance
  • Job orders management
  • Spare parts inventory, address storage
  • Budgeting of MRO in 1C (maintenance, repair and operations)

Benefits of implementing MRO AllCtrl.SCADA based on 1C

  • Equipment uptime is increased by 25%
  • Equipment recovery time after a failure is reduced by 10%
  • Reducing the impact of the human factor by 90%
  • Hardware repair costs are reduced by 10%
  • Time required to train new staff is reduced by 90%

The main operation scenario of MRO module on 1C ACS

The main operation scenario of MRO module on 1C ACSThe main operation scenario of MRO module on 1C ACS

Convenient display of works on equipment/line/workshop planned in automatic or manual mode on Gantt chart allows to quickly assess the planning situation, make the necessary decisions. With the ability of employees to get job orders and their actual performance on their own, the resources of the accounting operators are reduced, time and data entry errors are reduced. Personification of all operations allows you to build a system of employee motivation (bonus coefficients, calculation of piecework pay).

MRO AllCtrl.SCADA (ACS) based on 1C is the analysis, planning and efficient enterprise resource management through "transparency" of manufacturing activities.
  • © AllCtrl — Автоматизация управления оборудованием, 2016