AllCtrl — Автоматизация управления оборудованием



Стоимость SCADA, 1C АСУ ТП, ТОиР, MES
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Our company automates production processes using the AllCtrl.SCADA software products based on 1C, which includes most blocks of the MES system. That's what we are going to tell about in today's article.

Are you familiar with MES?

It is necessary to start with the definition of the system itself.

MES Stands for Manufacturing Execution System — an automated system for controlling and optimizing production activities. Its main tasks are: monitoring, analysis, optimization and documentation of data from the start of the process until its end.

MES systems can be integrated with other management systems on 1C: with the automated systems to control technological processes (ACS) and with the enterprise resource planning system (ERP).

Our company successfully implements and combines them in production, construction and agricultural complexes, in greenhouses.

24/7 supervision over the product

If you want to know everything about your product, you surely need MES. Several functions of MES that we would like to highlight:
1. QM - product quality management Providing real-time information about the workflow.. This allows you to instantly respond to critical situations with a view to ensuring product quality.
2. ODS — operational/detailed planning. Detailing the plan of production depending on the manufactured products (their characteristics, features and priorities). Scheduling is also determined by the machine loading.
3. DOC — document management for production, backing up data.
4. LM — personnel management. Recoding employee work time, allocation of responsibilities.

Thus, the broad functionality of MES allows you to track the production path from A to Z and provides an opportunity to make adjustments as and when they are needed. MES becomes irreplaceable in the case of urgent order, lack of parts in stock or equipment failure, because it allows you to recalculate the schedule as many times a day as needed.


The best option is all three. If an ERP system is responsible for planning production, and SCADA visualizes the processes, then MES determines how the products are produced. An important difference of MES is that it exercises control over the processes in a continuous way. MES focuses exclusively on production processes and can make changes to plans when necessary, rather than at a specified time (such as done by an ERP system). This allows you to instantly respond to critical situations and prevent serious damage to the equipment.
MES allows the production process to be reduced by 20% through a single flow of products. Namely: the system groups identical parts from different orders into one batch of processing without changing their technological route, thereby increasing the size of the batch being processed.

To summarize

MES system is a component of enterprise management that is responsible for providing specific product data. It is much easier to follow the plans and deadlines with MES, and it allows you to control the process from within and make it possible to influence it to avoid production of faulty goods.
Any enterprise is based on production and output. The cost of a product and its market competitiveness depend on the efficient organization of the production process — this is the primary purpose of MES systems. By the way, the revenue from the solutions of the production automation systems, including MES, is projected to reach 12.6 billion dollars by 2020 (according to the American company MarketsandMarkets).

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