AllCtrl — Автоматизация управления оборудованием



Стоимость SCADA, 1C АСУ ТП, ТОиР, MES
мы в социальных сетях

Automation of greenhouses with ACS AllCtrl.SCADA based on 1C

Good environmental management in a greenhouse can significantly increase yields. Consumable thermal and electrical resources depend on technology management within greenhouses. Modern greenhouses have the potential to change the temperature of the soil, air, lighting, humidity management and carbon dioxide in the air, and are complex organisms that need to be managed, taking into account the needs of the cultivated culture.

Software-hardware complex AllCtrl.SCADA (ACS, MRO) based on 1C is a set of sensors, devices, controllers and the software solution for managing the micro-climate of a greenhouse, as well as for collection of analytical information on agricultural output, analysis of the dependencies on the parameters, set by a technologist.

ACS AllCtrl.SCADA based on 1C provides an opportunity to monitor the moisture level in certain areas, maintain the specified air temperature parameters, to irrigate either depending on the time or soil moisture or the individual operator-defined parameters, maintain the level of lighting in the greenhouse, control the boiler parameters (temperature, pressure, actuator state) and display emergency situations on the operator's screen.

Remote monitoring of technological processes in a greenhouse allows for the maintenance of the necessary indicators in this greenhouse on a continuous basis, providing all the conditions necessary for plants in time and thus increasing productivity at times. In addition, the system is convenient and simple to manage, and provides archiving of the data on the state of the greenhouse. The user can see how the indicators changed, for example, a week or a month ago, compare the average temperature per day, analyse the cost of fertilizing plants and more.

Thus, ACS AllCtrl.SCADA based on 1C simplifies and automates the following tasks:
  • Watering and fertilizing plants;
  • Controlling the level of carbon dioxide concentrations;
  • Temperature control;
  • Ventilation, opening and closing of transoms;
  • Humidity control;
  • Management of micro-climate indicators and transfer of this information to the operator in real time;
  • Collection and archiving of data on the operation of the greenhouse equipment.
  • © AllCtrl — Автоматизация управления оборудованием, 2016