Providing the necessary external environment to plants plays an important role in obtaining positive results when cultivating crops in greenhouses. A properly balanced microclimate is a necessary part of a quality harvest.
The optimal micro-climatic indicators are achieved through managing such systems as:
- the hinged windows open/close system;
- the ventilation system, which provides air flow within the greenhouse and distributes the temperature evenly;
- the evaporative cooling and additional moistening system, which supports the optimum humidity of plants and is applied in case of low humidity in the greenhouse;
- lighting system;
- heating system;
- CO2 (carbon dioxide) supply system.
Microclimate of a greenhouse if influenced by wind, snow, ice, insolation, cloudy weather, ambient air temperature changes. Conditions may differ considerably in various areas of a greenhouse. AllCtrl.SCADA system lets you adjust the microclimate settings in the greenhouse based on such indicators as the plant condition, time of day, year, and weather.
A systematic approach to the environment micro-climate management in the greenhouse economy allows for a 25% increase in crop yields. Microclimate management system AllCtrl.SCADA is designed to centralize all the elements necessary to maintain a greenhouse. The sensors and controllers supplied by our company provide information on soil and air temperature, illumination, humidity, and the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. This data serves as a basis for automatic and autonomous decision-making (PID-algorithms) on directing signals to the equipment/devices, which manage the supply of hot water, CO2, nutrition, irrigation, illumination and humidity.
If required, our company may supply the necessary sensors/devices and implement a "turnkey" project to automate microclimate control of your object.