AllCtrl — Автоматизация управления оборудованием


Управление электроснабжением

Стоимость SCADA, 1C АСУ ТП, ТОиР, MES
мы в социальных сетях

Power supply control with ACS

The introduction of a system to monitor power supply is not only due to the need to ensure the security of the facility. Automated power supply control is addressing a number of other important tasks:
  • Planning and forecasting of electricity consumption;
  • Timely diagnosis of the non-production energy resources consumption;
  • Data collection for record-keeping and statistics;
  • Reduced power consumption by up to 10%.

ACS AllCtrl.SCADA based on 1C has a broad functionality that simplifies control over the power supply system for the premise. AllCtrl.SCADA provides:
  • Display of the electrical system status in the form of mnemonic diagrams and graphs in real time;
  • Measurement, control, visualization of parameters;
  • Diagnostics and control of equipment;
  • Formation of databases, archiving and documenting the information;
  • Technical accounting of electricity and control over power consumption;
  • Monitoring of the quality of electricity;
  • Data processing and transmission of power supply system status information to the dispatcher.

Application of the ACS AllCtrl.SCADA enables the automated collection of information on the consumption of electricity by objects, dependency of consumption from the readings of temperature sensors and illumination. If there are limitations on the capacity of ACS, the AllCtrl.SCADA controller automatically makes decisions on disabling the devices/equipment, which currently have the lowest priority.

If required, our company may supply the necessary sensors/devices and implement a "turnkey" project to automate power supply control of your object.
  • © AllCtrl — Автоматизация управления оборудованием, 2016